Paul Abley
on August 9, 2011
Freehand drawing on Sketchbook Pro with over 2700 layers
Dimension: 3200 x 2300
File Size: 357.01 Kb
1 person likes this.
Alex Merrill
Wow. I went into fullsize view, and now I can really appreciate the amount of patience and detail that has gone into this! 2700 layers? I don't doubt you! How long did this beast-of-a-project take to finish?
Like August 9, 2011
Paul Abley
Thanks Alex...... its only really appreciated when its full size, which is actually twice the size of the largest on here. It took me over 2 weeks and that was working from 7am until 10pm including weekends. It became an obsession to finish but towards the end I struggled to keep the momentum going ... View More
Like August 9, 2011
2700 layers!!! Holy shizazzle! My paintings would include about 100 layers. Nice work Paul! Even the enlarged doesnt serve this pic justice.
Like August 11, 2011
That's insane! I can't beleive the amt of layers! I'm thouroghly impressed! Can't wait to see more!
Like May 9, 2012
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